Margaret Grace
About Margaret
Hi – I am Margaret Grace, author of a memoir about my spiritual journey which has unfolded with an everpresent education about what Love is. This learning process is still revealing so many qualities and experiences about Love that I am in total awe of its power and grace. It all started with meeting Heather at a Tara Singh workshop and our subsequent decision to move to Atlanta together to explore a nonprofit idea we had which we entitled, Vision of Love. Heather taught me so many truths previously unknown by me but which are the mainstays of the current spiritual movements of today. She was a Reiki Master, a student of A Course in Miracles, and taught me a great deal about how energy can lead one to truth. After we went our separate ways, I began only relying on my energy for truth and not my mind, as I had learned that one can be manipulated and deceived when one only relied on the mind. To me, the energy resided within my heart and I had learned to identify the source of my energy through my experiences while in Atlanta, Ga. with my roommate, Heather. Of course, my connection with God and Jesus stayed intact and I was able to overcome the extreme challenges of that period of time because of my belief in God and Jesus. There was a Unity Church in which I felt at home and in which I knew supported people like me who were committed to their own spiritual journeys.
As a child, I was ignored by the minister when I told him one day after a sermon that I wanted to be a missionary. Apparently my parents had told the pastor not to encourage me in this endeavor as they were concerned about me going overseas when I grew up, so he just ignored me. He probably just did not know what to say to me. I had really wanted to be a missionary in order to be able to tell the downtrodden how much God loved them. I always felt a strong love for and by God and Jesus. It was a primary part of my emotional and spiritual life.
Since that time I had straddled the fence of my personal spiritual journey and was being drawn to the Christian church I had so wanted to be a part of when I was a child. There were no Unity churches in the area. I never quite felt I belonged in the Christian church but as I explored my inner child and reconnected with deceased family members who were historically all devout Christians, I recreated my strong childhood attachment to the Christian church. Even though I was on a journey of healing myself, I found ways to convince myself that I could belong to the Christian church. I thought I might even become a Christian counselor since I was so committed to God and Jesus. However, I have had a recent realization that I can no longer consider myself a Christian even though I continue to appreciate the opportunity to have the church available to me as I was growing up in such a dysfunctional family system. I felt Jesus’s presence so strongly when I took communion in my Methodist church as a child. A forewarning of church dysfunction came when I visited a Lutheran church with my children and wanted to take communion. I was told that “Jesus would be offended if you took communion because you are not a Lutheran”. I was not allowed to take communion there. I was dumbfounded.
After some wake-up calls about the Christian dogma which prevails above other common Christian values, I realize it is time to get off the fence and rely on my true church home which appears to be Unity Church. I feel this is a church of the future. It focuses on Unity, Christ consciousness, empowering people to pursue their spiritual paths, supporting diversity and allowing new parameters of life to unfold by honoring of the child of God in each of us. A powerful part of the worldwide ministry is offering prayer for anyone contacting them for 30 days in a prayer ministry called Silent Unity.